NaPTAN Management API
NaPTAN (National Public Transport Access Nodes) is the UK standard for uniquely identifying all points of access to public transport in the UK.
Our NaPTAN API allows users to import and export NaPTAN data in XML (at an area code level) and present a queryable source of individual Stop Point and Stop Area records to downstream NaPTAN viewing and editing applications in JSON format. It also includes capability to import NPTG (National Public Transport Gazetteer) and NOC (National Operator Code) data, which can be passed on a read-only basis to downstream applications.
Currently based on NaPTAN 2.4, the API is currently being enhanced to support the Accessibility and Point-of-Interest capabilities of NaPTAN 2.5.
Timetable Management API
Initially developed as an internal tool for managing TransXChange data from the TNDS (Traveline National Data Set), our Timetable Management API has evolved into a general-purpose format-agnostic repository for managing timetable data from multiple TransXChange, CIF, VDV452 and GTFS sources.
In addition to presenting an app-ready queryable view of trip, route and service data, the API has also allowed us to build a number of plugins to meet specific use cases:
- A TNDS to GTFS converter
- A tabular timetable edit grid
- A GIS-based line-of-route editor
- An Excel stop-based timetable exporter
If there is sufficient demand, it is our ambition to build a fully-featured application that will allow small/medium-sized bus operators to create and manage Bus Services Act-compliant Bus Open Data.
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